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Visions of Revenge

     “Bove,” the voice woke him from a deep sleep. He opened his eyes and blinked against the bright light, he closed them, then eased them open to adjust to the light. The sun was streaming in through the window, warming his face. This was not his cabin on the starship Ibex. He pushed himself up and looked around, “Who’s there?”

     “It is I, Bove, and you must intervene with the colonists.”

     “What?” Bove’s thoughts spun in his head, “Intervene?”  The colonists were on Kryth where the visions had begun. During his last mission as a member of the First Encounter Team, he had received visions of the destruction of the inhabitants of Kryth. They were untrue.

     “Yes, intervene with the colony on Kryth. You must go to Kryth and convince the colonies to move. You must convince Earth to move them.”

     “What? What are you talking about?” Bove rubbed his eyes and looked around.  Across the room, Kabluff sat, his face was calm, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. “Another vision!” Bove pushed to his feet and glanced around the room. It was small with a single bed against the wall, and across from the bed were a chair and an end table. The sun streamed through the window above the bed. There was no door. Bove stopped when he spotted Kabluff.

     “Sit,” Kabluff commanded.

     Bove hesitated, glanced around again, and verifying there was no door, lowered himself back on the edge of the bed.

     “Good,” Kabluff studied him for a moment, “The colonists have begun looking for a site for a second colony. This is not acceptable, and it must be stopped.”

     “Then you stop them.” Bove glared at Kabluff, “I want nothing to do with this. It’s your problem, so you deal with it.” He stood again, then sat back on the bed. “You remember how successful I was with your last demands?”

     “Oh, your information was quite helpful. We now know the Kazons lack the capability to attack Kryth. And this gives us more time to deal with the colony ourselves, or for you to deal with the colony.”

     “Why me?” Bove ran a hand through his hair, “I don’t have any authority to make decisions about the colony. The colonists won’t listen to me, and neither will the government. So, why me?” Bove stood again and looked out the window at a field of wheat that went on forever. He turned to Kabluff, “It’s pointless for me to even try.”

     “You have more influence than you know, Bove.” Kabluff’s voice was soft, he pulled his legs back and stood, “Your last mission proved the government will listen to you. You brought them valuable information concerning the situation on Kryth. Information that helped prevent a conflict. They will listen to you. You shouldn’t doubt that.”

     “Nonsense!” Bove flopped on the bed and shook his head. “They won’t move the colony. They won’t even consider that.”

     “You must try.”

     “I must do nothing!” Bove shook his head again and stared at Kabluff, “And I won’t go to Kryth, or talk to the government! You deal with it!”

     “You do remember the bog?” Kabluff asked, watching Bove carefully. “We’ll put you there if you fail us again. Do you understand?”

     Once again, the threat of the bog. They had threatened that before but never went through with it. Bove wondered if he should play along with their demand, agree to do as they request, and then go about his own business. Would they follow through with the threat? He decided there was one way to find out. “Why are the colonies such a problem to you?” he asked.

     “That’s not your concern. You only need to do as we ask. You will be highly rewarded if you succeed.”

     “As you ask? More like, as you demand. It’s not a request, it’s a demand. I do it, or I go to the bog. Is that right?”

     “Bove,” Kabluff sighed, “We give you choices, not demands. Choices that will change the direction of the future to a better end. You must believe this. We are trying to help you and your kind to a better future.”

     “And I’m supposed to believe you? You lied before, why would you be truthful now?”

     “I explained that. It was to get you to make the right decision. Had you listened we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

     “It wouldn’t have made a difference, and you know it. What you showed me was a lie and if I had recommended against colonization, it wouldn’t have made a difference. They would’ve sent another mission, and the colony would still be there. Your lie made no difference and now there is nothing I can do to change that.”

     “You must try. You’re committed to doing whatever is necessary. You know this, and you know the penalty for failing.”

     “So, there you have it. My choice. Do as demanded or die.” Bove stared at Kabluff, mouth in a straight line and arms crossed over his chest.

     “You know your commitments,” Kabluff said and waved his arm.

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