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Current Works

I have nearly completed the second revision of Visions of Revenge. I am still making changes to the storyline, but not as major as I did for the first revision. Since it’s December and I still have another revision to go through I will not publish this year. My target is still the first quart of 2025 which means by the end of March at the latest.


The event ‘A Bounty of Books’ on November 19, 2024, was fun. There ended up being ten authors and they set me as the first to speak. That was not good since I didn’t prepare anything to say and ended up doing a terrible talk. Other than being embarrassed, I did learn what not to do, and I will be better prepared for the next event.

No events are scheduled for December. I’m still enjoying the critique group.


I’ve been pretty good about doing a daily walk for a mile. I’m getting four to five days a week. Still hoping to make it six days a week. So far it hasn’t changed my weight but I’m sure if I continue it will—we’ll see.

Pepper is having trouble with allergies; she scratches all the time. We took her to the vet this week and are making changes in her routine to see if we can control her scratching. Poor girl!

Eddie-D is still a rascal. He gets into everything but has fun. He is now getting on top of me in the mornings wanting to be petted, so I pet him and he’s happy.

Eddie and Bleu’s relationship has changed. Now Eddie chases Bleu and she runs back into her room away from him. It’s a turnaround, but maybe they will end up liking each other.

Tommy still cruises his tank.

Updated December 2, 2024

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